Commitment to Service
Inspiring a Culture of Service
At Godspeed Capital, we seek to inspire a service oriented culture, and as such we strive to give back in a meaningful way each year, from a portion of our earnings, to various charitable institutions and foundations that support the communities our portfolio companies serve. This includes but is not necessarily limited to organizations that support our service men and women in uniform, veterans and their families, and first responders.

Wounded Warrior Project was founded on the belief that every warrior has a next mission. At Wounded Warrior Project we understand that the transition to civilian life is a journey. And for every warrior, family member, and caregiver, that journey looks different.
Wounded Warrior Project is here for their first step, and each step that follows. Because we believe that every warrior should have a positive future to look forward to. There’s always another goal to achieve, another mission to discover. We are their partner in that mission. As such, Wounded Warrior Project provides a variety of veteran programs and services to help warriors in transition take the steps that are right for them. Thanks to the tremendous support of our donors, these veterans never pay a penny to get the help they need to build the future they deserve.

Lone Survivor Foundation’s mission is to provide Veterans and their families with a path to healing from their invisible wounds. Founded by retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who’s #1 New York Times bestseller, Lone Survivor, tells the story of his teammate’s strength and dedication to each other and to their country during ORW, a mission to gather intelligence on Taliban leadership in Afghanistan. Marcus was the only survivor of this 2005 mission. Though he was badly injured in the ambush that claimed the lives of his team, he survived until American forces rescued him six days later.
Marcus Luttrell’s Texas ranch was the center of his post-combat recovery. It was there that he learned that effective healing can require more than the standard government treatment plan of talk therapy and medication. He wanted other military families to have the opportunity to step out of their daily routines and come to a place of peace; a place where they could obtain tools for healing while being surrounded by other people who understand them. Marcus founded Lone Survivor Foundation in 2010 to provide that opportunity while honoring the warriors that gave their lives in service to our country in ORW.

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation builds mortgage-free smart homes for our most catastrophically injured veterans and first responders. Each home is designed to address the unique needs of each individual. Smart homes host a myriad of features such as automated doors and lighting, wider halls and doorways, special showers to accommodate wheelchairs, automatic door openers, cabinets, counters, and stove tops that can be raised and lowered, back-up generators, and central heating and air conditioning systems that can be controlled by tablets. These homes help our most severely injured veterans and first responders to reclaim their day-to-day independence.

The Station team is comprised of members of the Special Operations Community and amazing professionals fully dedicated to the SOF community. Helping participants navigate the rough terrain of transition and reintegration back to civilian life. Offering experience, strength and hope to individuals as they identify and translate strengths to new arenas.
Whether on a week long Transition Azimuth Check (TrAC) or during a 10-day bonding experience with SOF loved ones, our staff provides families with an excellent starting point to reset and rebuild. Encouraging participants to accomplish critical goals regardless of the setbacks or obstacles. Utilizing a strong peer network, we honor commitments to one another and establish a healthy, positive, inspiring community founded on the success of every team member. We would have it no other way.